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All over the world people realize that CO2 emissions/fine dust will have a negative effect on our planet habitat.
Energy efficient, greentech and circular solutions are needed to preserve our planet for future generations.

Efficient electrification

Electrical vehicles will help our transition. But we should not treat is as the holy grail. Electrification of our vehicles will only bring us half way. We can only reach 50% of the CO2 reduction needed. We need to reduce faster our emissions. Only cycling can help to reach this goal in time.  Electrification in combination with cycling. Cycling with a spark, by using a innovative cycles park to enable our cities to become as beautiful as a park.

Rental, leasing and sharing

This is why it is CycleSparks mission to develop and offer new lightweight clean vehicles that are more fun to use, healthy, practical and energy efficient at the same time.

It should be possible for everyone to be part of the solution. We want to  bring the use of extra large cargo bikes into reach of everybody. With  enabling rental, lease and share solutions we think we can accelerate the creation of clean livable cities.

Cargo Bikes for Circular ‘blue’ Cities

Many cities are in a process of transformation towards smart and circular principles, with often ambitious goals to reduce their environmental footprint. Local production, repair, upcycling, reuse, redistribution, remanufacturing and recycling all reduce the need for long distance transportation. Doing more of our production and recycling locally is the best way to reduce the need for mobility. The cleanest transportation is no transportation at all.

Blue cities

At the same time, an abundance of innovations are in development to create circular cities. Examples include vertical farming, plant labs, 3D-printing in all kinds of materials, the so-called ‘blue economy’, cooperative robotics and other smart industry developments enabling production and remanufacturing closer to the end user. But in the end minimizing transportation will always be necessary and that’s where e-cargo bikes can play a role. They can take care of the flow of all goods and materials through the ‘veins’ of the circular city. They are a fair, efficient and ‘human’ way to move goods around in town.

Sparking a Revolution

We love to hear you plans to start using cargo bikes xxl.